- GSLP Story of Change -
Concepts for Camps
The former Year 9 Agriculture camp previously hosted at Dookie College gave students an opportunity to immerse themselves in careers traditionally associated with the field of agriculture. After carefully considering feedback gained from students who participated in the 2018 camp, as well as conducting focus groups in the secondary schools with careers advisors and year level and domain leaders, it was determined the camp could be improved to better meet the needs of our local young people.
Specifically feedback indicated the following changes were needed;
- Broaden context to include a wider range of regional careers rather than just traditional agriculture based roles
- Greater differentiation to existing Conoco Phillips sponsored agriculture camp
- More exciting activities that appeal to students to increase participation
- Co design new activities with students to increase student ownership
- Utilise young local business and industry mentors to increase aspiration and provide relevant role models.
After co- designing with Careers teachers it was decided the best support the camp could offer given the uncertain operating environment was to support the transition to the new school campuses in 2020. As a result the camp now has a strong leadership and wellbeing focus as well as regional careers and leadership.
Current Year 8 students will be selected by wellbeing and school leadership to attend the no cost camp whom will benefit most from the experience. It is anticipated this will be a mix of students from all four campuses whom display traditional leadership qualities along with students whom have the potential to become positive leaders of the Year 9 campus but whom have previously not had the opportunity. The camp has been designed through the Secondary Leadership Table and the Assistant Principal for Wellbeing for Greater Shepparton College who will be located at the Mooroopna Campus next year. The camp will allow for students and teachers to come together in creating a new and fresh positive culture for the Year 9 Campus at Mooroopna whilst also increasing aspiration for local careers in the agriculture and related fields that all interlink to support our vibrant and growing regional economy.