We put the shared intellect, mind-set, strategies and resources in place to systematically address the issues impacting young people. We use research, data, local insights and expertise to inform decision-making and create unique local responses. Our plan is a community-driven, common agenda made by and for the people of Greater Shepparton.
Our Theory of Change was developed through a review of data and consultation with Lighthouse staff and other stakeholders. It maps the opportunity Lighthouse is working to address, their unique response, as well as the activities and inputs required to facilitate change and achieve the desired outcomes and impact.
Lighthouse works towards achieving four key objectives
Strategy for Collective Action
In 2018 Lighthouse updated its Strategy to set priorities for the next 5 years. It presents our vision, theory of change, collect impact approach, the data relevant to the key cohorts from conception to career and identifies outcomes, indicators, initiatives and associated monitoring, evaluation and learning framework.