Greater Shepparton Lighthouse Project has secured $4 million in ongoing funding, announced in the Victorian State budget last week.
Board Chair Adam Furphy said, “Lighthouse has become a key partner and collaborator of the Department of Education and Training during the past six years, contributing to the shared strategic outcomes of the Shepparton Education Plan for students attending our state primary schools and at the Greater Shepparton Secondary College.”
Mr Furphy noted the funding announcement was a welcome development that endorsed the great work done to date whilst also recognising the continued challenges ahead.
Mr Furphy extended his thanks to The Hon. Natalie Hutchins MP as well as The Department of Education and Training, in particular to Sharon Hensgen-Smith, the Area Executive Director.
Lighthouse Executive Officer Amy Robinson noted, “The investment is critical given our whole of community strategy is a twenty-year commitment, and this ongoing funding is vital to enable us to realise our vision, to see all Greater Shepparton children and young people thrive. This will further ensure our region continues to prosper with educational and employment outcomes that we can all be proud of.”
“Lighthouse is a highly established and effective collective impact initiative implementing place-based approaches to unlock potential and build the capacity of children and their families.”
“Our organisation has earned an outstanding reputation within the community as a trusted and reliable partner and collaborator that is impact and results-driven, and this ongoing investment is a testament to those outcomes.” Ms Robinson said.
On July 11, Amy Robinson spoke with Nick Healy from ABC Shepparton breakfast program about the recent funding announcement. To listen to the interview, click here.
Pictured: Lighthouse Executive Officer Amy Robinson with Board Chair Adam Furphy.