
Getting ready for secondary school and beyond

Sushi, butter chicken and dumplings were some of the dishes served up to participants of the SEAT (Sit, Eat And Talk) program. An initiative of the Greater Shepparton Lighthouse Project, SEAT provided grade 6 students from Mooroopna Primary School with the opportunity to connect with volunteer mentors, once a week, over lunch.

The program’s purpose is to develop the student’s confidence and career aspirations, which Lighthouse staff member and program coordinator Belinda Senini said is particularly important as these young people transition to secondary school.

“Connecting with positive role models is an excellent way for the students to practice their social skills while also learning about a variety of careers on offer in our region”, said Belinda.

Additionally, the program exposes students to new and healthy food “The lunch provided is a highlight for both students and mentors, and of course, food is a great way to bring everyone together”, said Belinda.

SEAT volunteer Kimberley Chu was one of 9 mentors to participate in the 2022 program which commenced at the start of term 4. “The students and I had some wonderful conversations about everything in life and shared lots of laughter.  I hope our talks will help them understand there are endless possibilities, and they can be whoever they want to be”, said Kimberley.

Contact Belinda Senini for further information at bsenini@gslp.com.au

To learn more about other volunteering opportunities at Lighthouse click here


Greater Shepparton Lighthouse Project acknowledges and pays respect to the traditional custodians of the Shepparton region on whose lands we are located, the Yorta Yorta peoples and their Elders past, present and emerging. Greater Shepparton Lighthouse Project recognises, respects and supports all community members regardless of race, colour, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, ability, or age.

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