Gowrie St students rap for the Shepparton Festival
The Lighthouse team is passionate about creating opportunities for young people which is why we're excited about a recent project providing the students from Gowrie Street with the opportunity to record the raps they had written as part of the Aunties program.
The Aunties program is a Greater Shepparton Lighthouse Project initiative encouraging First Nations students to express their feelings and share their culture through poetry and rap. Led by Lighthouse staff member Lisa Lynch-Johnson students from grade 3 through to grade 6 have been working on their raps both in groups and individually. The program was able to be extended with additional funding allowing for the Melbourne-based School of Living Music to visit Shepparton and record the student's work. Students spent a day with a professional recording artist and were thoroughly engaged with the process.
The final recordings were shared with the Shepparton community as part of the 2022 Shepparton Festivals, Art in the Heart exhibitions and the raps could be heard while viewing the artworks created by members of the Lighthouse community.
If you missed hearing the raps at the Art in the Heart exhibition you can listen to the music by clicking on the song titles listed below.
We thank Gowrie Street Primary School and the Shepparton Festival for being part of this exciting collaboration, and of course well done to the budding rap artists from Gowrie Street for working together to create some awesome music!