Listed below are agencies currently offering food crisis relief in the GV
This information has been sourced from the Greater Shepparton City Council website and all agencies listed have been contacted to confirm they are able to continue to deliver their service during the current lockdown. The information was current at the time of posting.
✔Government assistance: All relief requests including food supplies are being managed by a special Combined Agency Operations Group within the State Control Centre. Enquiries and requests for emergency food relief packages, including at the local level, should be directed to the Victorian Government COVID-19 hotline: 1800 675 398.
✔GV Cares: (a Greater Shepparton Lighthouse Project lockdown response initiative)
✔Shepparton Food and Financial Services: Phone 5831 7755 or Note: Currently not available to deliver.
✔Life Op Shop, Mooroopna: Phone 5825 4298 or email
Please do not call the Greater Shepparton Lighthouse Project office number listed at the bottom of this website page with regard to food relief.